Latest Products
Captain Moresby 750ml
PGK0.00 -
Pork Stew
PGK123.00 -
Pork Stew
PGK90.00 -
Crocodile with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Crocodile with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Pork with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Pork with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Chicken with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Chicken with Rice
PGK60.00 -
Beef with Rice
PGK67.00 -
Beef with Rice
PGK72.00 -
Chicken Stew
PGK123.00 -
Chicken Stew
PGK90.00 -
Beef Stew
PGK198.00 -
Beef Stew
PGK132.00 -
Raspberry Flavored Drink
PGK21.60 -
Pineapple Flavored Drink
PGK21.60 -
Orange Flavored Drink
PGK21.60 -
Mango Flavored Drink
PGK21.60 -
Lime Flavored Drink
Lemon Flavored Drink
600ml x 24 - Wholesale Price
Flavored drinks (also called “sweetened fruit drinks”) typically contain water and sugar with small amounts of juice or fruit flavoring.
This flavored drink is made from treated artesian water and selected flavors. It has delicious taste of LEMON, COLA, RASPBERRY, ORANGE, PINEAPPLE, LIME, MANGO and KALAMANSI. It should be cooled before drinking.
- Model: 600ml x 12