Arabica Honey Coffee Red | Whole Beans | Medium Roast

250g x 12 - Wholesale Price
Honey Coffee is Arabica coffee which has different way of processing of traditional coffee when coffee beans after pulping of coffee cherries are fermented in water tanks for 48 hours and later washed by fresh water - this type of coffee is called "washed coffee".
Honey is unwashed coffee and flesh of coffee cherries after pulping is not removed from coffee beans then such unwashed coffee beans are dried - this way of processing of coffee gives special honey hints in coffee taste. There are 4 types of honey coffee - Red, Yellow, Natural and Black - this is the same Arabica coffee but different way of drying gives different taste to all these types of unwashed coffee.
Honey Natural Coffee
  • Fresh coffee cherries are dried on the open sun without pulping - then coffee cherries are dry and soft, coffee beans are pulped out of dry coffee cherries - then dry coffee beans are stored for further hulling to green beans.
Honey Red Coffee
  • Coffee beans together with remaining cherry flesh are pulped out of fresh coffee cherries then unwashed coffee beans are dried on the open sun.
Honey Yellow Coffee
  • Coffee beans together with remaining cherry flesh are pulped out of fresh coffee cherries then unwashed coffee beans are dried on the sun the sun under the shade - it requires to dry longer period than Red coffee.
Honey Black Coffee
  • Coffee beans together with remaining cherry flesh are pulped out of fresh coffee cherries then drying process takes places inside dark building without sun light - it takes long time to complete drying process.
Honey coffee requires more time and labor to compare with traditional washed coffee.
  • Model: 250g